
How To Get A Donkey To Trust You

farmer taking care of donkeys

Donkeys were first domesticated thousands of years ago, and since and then, our relationship with them has expanded and grown. Although they are however used as pack animals and draught animals, they are besides kept as livestock guardians, for pleasure riding, and as pets, although experts recommend that a pet donkey non be kept in the house.

Although they are considered very amiable animals, some take a petty longer to trust their human owners, especially if they have not had regular handling and are a little older. Whether y'all have a immature foal or an developed donkey, and whether it has had regular handling from somebody else or no human being contact any, there are steps that you can have to help gain a donkey's trust.


The 7 Steps to Develop Trust With a Ass

Below are seven steps that will assistance form a strong bail between the two of you so that your ass will trust you.

i. Develop a Routine

Although it doesn't hateful you can't pop in for an unexpected visit, donkeys similar routine. They especially like routine when it comes to mealtimes and fresh h2o. If you lot piece of work with your donkey in any way, yous should try and establish a routine and and so stick to it.

Once yous accept prepare a routine, you will demand to stick to it. Your donkey will discover when you're belatedly or if y'all miss a twenty-four hour period.

woman feeding donkey
Image Credit: BearFotos, Shutterstock

two. Spend Fourth dimension With Them

Some donkeys instantly arroyo new people, either in the hope of getting a treat, through inquisitiveness, or considering they're naturally approachable donkeys. Others can take a piffling time to arroyo people, and if yours is one of these donkeys, the offset pace should be to just spend some fourth dimension in the proximity of your ass. Piece of work in the aforementioned field, hang effectually near their shelter, or bring the donkey into another field y'all're working in.

3. Regular Treatment

Once you can comfortably spend time in the vicinity and visitor of your donkey, you should start with gentle treatment. Set bated a little time every day to work with your donkey. Train information technology to walk on a leash and halter, socialize your donkey, and don't forget to stick to the routine that you gear up.

woman feeding donkeys
Prototype Credit: Yurii Vasyliev, Shutterstock

4. Talk To Them

Donkeys like existence talked to. Obviously, they don't understand what you're saying, but they seem to appreciate the effort and they may be able to recognize some degree of temperament and intention in your vox. Always conversation with your donkey when working with information technology or even feeding it. Information technology volition help develop a bail.

5. Be Calm

Always be at-home effectually your ass. If you deed erratically or aggressively, your ass will pick upwardly on information technology, and as well as making information technology more than difficult to convince it to trust you lot in the future, information technology might mean that you lot take a few steps back with the progress already made. Speak calmly, and if you don't jump and run around in an agitated mode, your calm nature will rub off on the donkey, besides.

a little girl petting a donkey
Epitome Credit: GUARDDON, Shutterstock

6. Don't Spoil Your Donkey

You can utilize positive reinforcement as a training method with donkeys, which ways giving them a treat to advantage positive behavior that yous wish to encourage. Even so, it is easy to overfeed donkeys, so yous demand to ensure that you don't overdo information technology. Try to stick to good for you treats and simply reward positive behavior rather than trying to apply the treats to encourage them.

7. Groom Them

Donkeys normally love to be brushed and information technology mimics the grooming that takes place between two bonded donkeys then it tin can help to build trust between you both. Castor in the same direction every bit the fur and castor the whole body from tail to hoof. This will also give you the opportunity to look for signs of injury or illness.

hoof print divider

Donkeys are very sociable animals, so much then that a lone donkey tin become anxious and depressed. Socializing is commonly quite easy as they practise become forth then well, but if you have an anxious donkey, especially one that has been mistreated previously, information technology may take some time to introduce them to your existing herd.

In this instance, make the introductions slowly. Try putting your new donkey on one side of a debate and your existing donkeys on the other. They volition be able to smell and look at 1 another without meeting face to confront. One time they practice get used to the smell, you tin can try introducing them to a ternion and harness.

Socializing donkeys with people takes a similar route, and if you see any signs of aggression or fright from the donkey, requite information technology infinite and move away from the area. Donkeys will walk away from what they perceive to be a threatening situation rather than respond with ambitious behavior of their own.

person forking hay in wheelbarrow in front of donkey
Image Credit: cottonbro studio, Pexels

Exercise Donkeys Like to be Brushed?

Donkeys unremarkably love to exist brushed and this tin be a good way to develop a strong bond between yous and your animal. Don't breast-stroke your donkey considering this tin can remove natural oils that protect the animal, but brush the entire torso and brush in the direction of the fur to avoid causing whatsoever discomfort.

Practise Donkeys Recognize Their Owners?

Donkeys have excellent memories and can remember and recognize not simply their owners but other humans that they are fond of or that they recognize. You should find that once yous accept bonded with and gained the trust of your donkey that information technology will come to encounter you lot at the gate when you arrive. This is a good sign that your donkey trusts yous completely.

donkey eating carrots
Image Credit: William Hager, Shutterstock



Donkeys are known as affectionate and loving animals, although it does depend on the individual brute every bit much every bit information technology does on the species of animal. However, not all donkeys are alike, and it can take some time to develop trust between the ii of y'all.

Start slow, be patient, e'er present a calm exterior, and advantage positive behavior with positive behavior of your own. Once your ass trusts you plenty, you can train them to walk on a ternion and halter, and regular brushings will assist to farther strengthen the bail between the ii of you.

Featured Prototype Credit: BearFotos, Shutterstock


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